You can help the Angels Among Us Project!

When we go through tragedies or hardships, that is when we question God’s love for us the most! This however is when we need God even more, and I want those going through those type of hardships to know that God is with them, and send them a gift of encouragement!


With your donations, I can continue this mission. I can continue bringing happiness to those who are going through tough times. I can bring a smile to someone and bless their day.

When I know of someone that could use one of these packages; I go ahead and mail them to them. These funds will allow me to send to as many of them as I can! I pray God’s Blessings over you all and thank you for your help on this mission!


Package contents may vary, but may include:

One sign saying -“I believe there are angels among us” or “Under his wings you will find refuge”.

It will also include a book, either 90 minutes in Heaven or draw the circle 40 day prayer challenge…or another one if these aren’t available.

Will also include a card of encouragement and possibly an angel wing ornament or small piece of jewelry.

Become a monthly donor of the angels among us project!

As a monthly donor, your donations will keep this project going and I can’t thank you enough for that. As a donor, you can sign up at checkout for a $5/$10 or $25 donation to be automatically charged to your card each month.  You can click each of the icons below to get more information about each donation level. Thank you for your donations!

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Would you like to make a one time donation?  You can securely donate via PayPal, using the link below, or using a credit/debit card. Your donation(s) is much appreciated. God’s Blessings to you!

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